Shaun the Sheep Lyrics
He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
Keep it in mind, He’s one of a kind
Keep it in mind, He’s one of a kind
Oh...Life’s a treat with Shaun the Sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat
Perhaps one day, You’ll find a way
Perhaps one day, You’ll find a way
To...Come and meet with Shaun the sheep
Oh...Come and bleat with Shaun the Sheep!
1 commento:
i miei bimbi, rispettivamente 2 e 5 anni la sanno a memoria, e non solo in inglese, ma anche in tedesco, francese e olandese (ahimè... dipende dalla versione rippata).
E' il cartone per bimbi (e non solo) più bello, più poetico e colorato che ho mai visto... e ho una certa esperienza.
Un'assoluta certezza.
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